Discourse Community Map & Response

There are many things that have shaped my life today, but the four main things right now in my life are my family, school, coaching, and volleyball. These things are very important to me, I cherish my family, and I love that I am able to go to school to get the education I want in order to have my dream career. Volleyball has been in my life for the last ten years, and although coaching is new to me I have learned so much from it.

My family is the most important thing in my life, they have taught me so much and they have helped me to become the person I am today. I hope to be a good role model for my son and my little cousins, I hope that one day they will want to have the guidance and passion that I have about life, family and school. I have so much respect for my family members, especially my parents and my grandparents, they have taught me the morals I have today, and helped me to find my religion. I absolutely love and adore my family, my love bug and sweet pea (four month old son), my Amor (boyfriend), my mama and dally (parents), my sister bam, my brother- in –law Cody, my sweet soon to be niece Emery, my grandparents, and my uncles and aunts. I do not know what I would do without my son, he has impacted my life so greatly and I am so thankful for him.

School has also had a large impact on my life and shaped who I am today. For ten years I attended a catholic school, then went to Silva Magnet for high school, and now I am attending UTEP and majoring in Pre- Nursing. I hope to be on the dean’s list this semester, to be very self- motivated, and to get accepted to the nursing program. I am very determined to achieve my goals and become a caring nurse and I also have much respect for all my instructors. The first day of school we discussed the story of the “Zahir” in philosophy, and went over the syllabus in all of my classes.

Coaching has taught me many things, one main thing is I have learned it is not easy to coach girls volleyball grades four through eight. Some of them are somewhat difficult at times, but I stay very positive and teach them with the respect that I would like to receive in return. We work very hard on team work, consistency, and leadership. They have grown very much, they have learned how to trust each other and how to control the ball. I am very grateful for having this opportunity to both teach what I love to do and learn from the girls as well. There are many different terms in volleyball, but the what I say most is togetherness, because you have to be together in order to be a team and be successful in hitting, digging, and setting.

Other than family, school, and coaching, I love to play volleyball. I have learned so much about what the word team really means and I have achieved my goals of being consistent and being a successful outside hitter. I have also learned how to be aggressive on the court, how to be a good team player, and how to control the ball whether you are hitting it or digging it. Although hitting is my favorite thing in volleyball I enjoy spot serving too. Some common terms in volleyball would be a dead ball which is a ball that is no longer playable, and a down ball which is when you spike the ball down.

All these things I enjoy very much, and I am very passionate and thankful for them. I am able to do so much today because of these four things, and I have gotten support from each and everyone. I am so fortunate to have these things in my life and be able to be a part of all of these. I know in my heart that I would not be the person I am today without all of these.